Board of Directors

The Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board is governed by a nine-person Board of Directors consisting of seven Registered Teachers and two members of the public.

SPTRB Director appointments are made by the following organizations:

  • Seven Registered Teachers:
    • Three appointed by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF)
    • Three appointed by the Minister of Education (only one of whom may be a member of the STF)
    • One appointed by the Saskatchewan League of Educational Administrators, Directors, and Superintendents (LEADS)
  • Two public members are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council

Murray Guest
Registered Teacher
Appointed by STF

Milt Block
Director, Public Member
Appointed by Lieutenant Governor in Council

Gord Husband
Director, Registered Teacher

Appointed by LEADS

Ben Goby
Vice Chair, Registered Teacher
Appointed by STF

Wanda Clare
Director, Registered Teacher
Appointed by Minister of Education

Edla Landry
Director, Registered Teacher 
Appointed by STF

Verne Barber
Director, Registered Teacher
Appointed by Minister of Education

Katherine Gagne
Director, Public Member
Appointed by Lieutenant Governor in Council

John McGettigan
Director, Registered Teacher
Appointed by Minister of Education