SPTRB Mission and Vision


The SPTRB serves the public interest by ensuring registered teachers meet professional standards for certification, conduct and competence.


In Saskatchewan:

•  Registered teachers are qualified, competent and trustworthy;
•  The public has confidence in the teaching profession;
•  Students achieve their highest learning potential.


•  Integrity
•  Transparency
•  Accountability
•  Fairness
•  Timeliness

We respectfully acknowledge that we are on Treaty 4 Territory and that our work occurs on Treaty 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.  We are dedicated to ensuring that the spirit of reconciliation and these Treaties are honoured and respected.

Our Duty

It is the duty of the Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board (SPTRB) at all times to serve and protect the public and to exercise its powers and discharge its responsibilities in the public interest.

Registered Teachers Act s.4(1)

Our Objects

The objects of the Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board are to establish and administer the professional certification and standards of professional conduct and competence of teachers for the purposes of serving and protecting the public.

Registered Teachers Act s.4(2)